



作为你们的院长,我很荣幸欢迎你们. 大一新生和转学生们,感谢你们的到来. 对于归国学生,感谢你们继续与我们同行. I am privileged to serve as your Dean of Students and focus my leadership on fostering a campus environment that is not only safe and welcoming, but also empowers you to fully realize your personal potential while pursuing your goals and aspirations. 我将在我工作的各个方面不断支持您的学生需求.


I am thrilled you have chosen to make 林肯纪念堂 University your home for the next few years. My hope is that you always feel at home here and know that the Railsplitter community is here to welcome you home each and every time you step foot on campus.


My team and I care about you and want you to have a fulfilling experience in your studies and extracurricular activities. From student organizations to events, your opportunities to get involved are limitless. 我们的目标永远是 provide a robust co-curricular experience for 林肯纪念堂 University students.


We hope these transformational experiences enhance your time at 林肯纪念堂 University and equip you with the ability to participate actively and make meaningful contributions within the university community and beyond. Take every opportunity to support your fellow splitter, today, tomorrow, and every day.






  •   食物, & 衣服不安全感

    寻求食物援助的学生 & clothing insecurity are encouraged to utilize the resources available to all students on LMU's campus including 林肯的橱柜 and 林肯的衣橱. 


    Location: Behind the LMU-College of Veterinary Medicine building in the former location of the organic garden center.


    每周储备新鲜和罐装食品以及卫生用品, 林肯橱柜对LMU社区的成员开放, 不管他们的经济状况或收入如何.


    地点:609 Colwyn Avenue in Cumberland Gap, Tennessee


    除了免费的衣服, the WOS volunteers at Lincoln’s Closet will provide tips on how to dress to impress and build a personal brand. 学生可以为面试或日常职业需求选择项目. 鞋子和配件也可以买到. The clothing has been donated in a wide variety of sizes, styles, and colors. 

  •   怀孕了 & 教育学生

    澳门威尼斯人赌城(LMU)机构合规办公室 & 第九条教育法很自豪地为我们怀孕和为人父母的学生服务. 根据第九条, pregnant and parenting students have rights as they relate to their access to education.

    孕妇须知 & 教育学生 

  •   参与

    参与校园活动的方式有很多种, including clubs/organizations and student leadership roles such as Lincoln Ambasadors, RAILs, 和宿舍助理! We have a multitude of clubs and organizations at LMU ranging from academic-based organizations to interest and identity-based organizations to application-based roles.

    分配器连接 is our campus engagement platform that features all of our student clubs and organizations!

  •   学术成就
  •   骚扰 & 歧视

    The 机构合规办公室 oversees the University's compliance with federal law and handles all complaints of discrimination. The 第九条 Coordinator is designated to oversee the University's compliance with 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972. The 第九条 Coordinator coordinates the University's response to alleged discrimination on the basis of sex, 包括性骚扰, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 和被人跟踪, 按照大学的政策和程序. 第九条副协调员 & 合规官员支持第九条协调员的这些努力.


    澳门威尼斯人赌城第九条的其他信息 & Harrassment /歧视

  •   精神健康支援

    Students at LMU have access to confidential mental health counseling and care. The 工作人员 of the 林肯纪念堂 University Office of 心理健康咨询 help current students overcome the personal, 职业生涯, and academic concerns that often stand in the way of them reaching their full potential. 免费辅导员, short-term treatment typically lasting between five to eight sessions per semester, 然而, 在适当情况下,治疗时间可超过8次. 



  •   学生会总会(SGA)

    The mission of 林肯纪念堂 University Student Government Association is to facilitate effective communication between students, 教师, 工作人员, and administration to represent them in striving towards an ideal learning community. The 林肯纪念堂 University SGA will continuously adapt their policies for the benefit of the student body.


  •   学生的行为 & 社区标准

    学生服务, we aim to help you maximize the potential of your experience as a Railsplitter by adhering to this philosophy of President Lincoln. 在社区标准办公室, we have the privilege and responsibility of helping our Railsplitters by creating and cultivating a thriving Railsplitter 社区 - one that fosters mutual respect for self, 其他人, 以及我们周围的世界. This will help the Railsplitters grow in their understanding of President Lincoln's aforementioned “cause and effect." Your decisions and behaviors will play a vital role in ensuring that your LMU experience is full of learning, 有趣的新体验, 增长, 以及将持续一生的关系.

    The Railsplitter Nation is more than just a close-knit community of students, 教师, & 员工们,我们是一家人!

    在页 铁路分离器社区标准指南, you will find helpful information that details our expectations for the Railsplitter 社区. 为了让我们的社区繁荣, we must all own our part in fostering an atmosphere of respect: for each other, 为了我们美丽的校园 & 设施,以及我们自己的健康和安全. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the contents of this 社区标准 Guide and let it serve as a guide to your LMU experience.

    欢迎来到Railsplitter社区, 如果你有任何问题, 请不要犹豫,伸出手来询问.

  •   领导 & 外展(社区服务)

    学生领导和外联办公室, we are looking to provide opportunities for students both on and off campus to complete the Student Service Initiative while they are a student here at LMU.

    社区 Service Hours must be submitted by May 1st at the end of each academic year to receive credit for the hours you completed. You need to complete 10 hours per semester or 20 hours by the end of each year. 提交工时的表格在“学生服务倡议”选项卡下.

    If you have questions about what types of events are available on and off campus to complete community service hours, 请使用以下联系方式与我们联系:




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    电子邮件: 雪莉,.schatz@shuguangprinting.com