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Life Cycle of a Grant

The ORGSP will assist faculty and staff in identifying, preparing, and managing research, educational, and service grants and other funding opportunities. All proposals which use the name and resources of Lincoln Memorial University and which may result in an award to the University or an award to an individual functioning in a university capacity involving restricted funds must adhere to University policies and procedures for submitting a proposal.


life cycle of a grant


Application Routing and Approval Process

The first step in the grant submission process involves the completion of an Intent to Apply form by the Principal Investigator (PI)/Project Director (PD). The form should be signed by the administrative officials listed and submitted to the ORGSP.

Once the grant is complete, the PI/PD must complete an Internal Routing Form for grant submission certifying that the application is within the scope and mission of the college and that the college has adequate resources for the project.

If necessary, approvals from the IRB, IACUC, IBCSC, VP for Finance (matching funds) must also be secured by the PI.

The form is then submitted to the ORGSP for budget review and certification that all ORGSP policies and procedures have been met.

All proposals seeking sponsored funding be submitted to the ORGSP five (5) days before the application deadline. This is to ensure quality review and increased chances of award.

Unofficial Proposals

Any proposal not submitted as stipulated in the Policy and Procedures Handbook of the ORGSP will be subject to forfeiture. The PI/PD should ensure that every effort is made to follow the stated guidelines. Proposals submitted without the proper University authorization will not be signed after the fact, even if funding is awarded later.

Templates to Assist the PI/PD

Certain federal grants require specific formatting for certain parts of award applications. ORGSP is happy to assist faculty, staff, and students with templates that eases these applications. Please remember, ORGSP is also available at any point in the pre-award process to provide feedback and/or template consultation.
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